Space Journey VR

What is this about?

Space Journey VR is a Virtual Reality (VR) game that puts you in the shoes of a space traveler who wakes up to find their spaceship in danger. The ship has lost power and is drifting through space, with asteroids heading straight for it. Your mission is to restore power to the ship and navigate through the asteroid field to safety.

why did I build it?

This is a game inspired by @ValemTutorials, particularly his series called LETS BUILD A VR GAME . I did some tweaks, and I will keep on adding more, building on top of his idea. I have been thinking of bringing more levels, features and Updates!

What tools did I use?

Unity Interaction Toolkit, Unity Timeline.

what did I learn?

Thoroughly explored Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit, examined all the interactions, locomotion, and how to implement custom behavior through inheritance (OOP). I also explored the provided sample prefabs and scripts to understand how they work and customized some of them. Lastly i learned about Unity Timeline, how to use to control the flow of the game based on triggers and events.

What are you working on?

Let’s have a conversation! I’d love to hear about what you’re working on and find a way to work together.