C-Section VR

What is this about?

A Virtual Reality (VR) Training Simulation for C-section procedures, offering medical professionals immersive, hands-on training in a controlled environment. This simulation provides a safe space for trainees to develop their skills, make mistakes, and learn at their own pace. It ensures continuity across multiple procedures and specialties, allowing all trainees to reach a standard level of proficiency before working with real patients. This method offers a cost-effective and practical alternative to traditional training methods, closely mimicking the live experience.

What problem does it solve?

Medical students often lack hands-on experience with cesarean sections, relying mainly on observation and occasional assistance. This limited exposure, coupled with the shortage of experts for one-on-one training and the use of inadequate traditional dolls, leaves them unprepared for performing these critical procedures independently.

The Creative Process!

The journey started by prototyping the environment and some interactions in ShapesXR before implementing it in Unity. Click the following link to experience a glimpse of the prototype in ShapeXR WebEditor

How long did it take?

We are still building it, but we started on 16th January 2023 after winning first place in the ARVR Africa Hackathon 2022 with its prototype.

Did you build with a team?

The best team actually!!. I am working with my friends comprised of a medical person, a 3D artist, a UI/UX and product designer, and a full stack developer. We are running a fully incorporated start-up called SeedeXR.

What did you learn?

Tons of things, it's one of my first heavy VR projects. most of the time was not even understand why it worked. Was my first time to interact with asserts like HurricaneVR, VR Interaction Framework, Custom Shaders and others. I also learned a lot more about the C-section procedure as part of the Literature review.

Did you use any assets?

Yes, we used both paid assets and free ones from Sketchfab and Unity Asset Store, in this case, HurricaneVR. Our artist also modeled some of them including the human body and parts of the environment.

Supporting Devices

Meta Quest 2, Quest 3

Hey: Whenever you face any issues while play-testing the APK after downloading or have a feedback, Please don't hesitate to reach out.

It's a version 0.4.0.

What are you working on?

Let’s have a conversation! I’d love to hear about what you’re working on and find a way to work together.